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How Are Meditation and Self-Hypnosis Connected? - Hypnosis ...

If you?ve listened to or followed self-hypnosis recordings or scripts in the past, you may have noticed that many of them are remarkably similar to meditation scripts. This sometimes leads to confusion, and many are left wondering where meditation stops and self-hypnosis begins. Here, we?ll take a look at both practices and review how they are similar, how they are different and how they can complement each other.

What is Self-Hypnosis?

Self-hypnosis, in the simplest terms, is placing oneself into a state of trance. There are many of self-hypnosis, ranging from simple relaxation to overcoming bad habits. There are guided and self-guided methods, both of them being very effective. In self-guided hypnosis, you use only your own words and mental images to reach a state of trance and, once there, to instruct, suggest or command yourself. Guided self-hypnosis works in much the same way; a recording is used to keep the mind focused and to help create sharper and more vivid imagery.

What is Meditation?

Having been practiced since ancient times, meditation is a state of very deep relaxation. The uses and goals of meditation vary widely. Some use it solely as a method of relaxation, others pray, and still others focus on a goal they want to reach.

What?s the Difference?

As you can see, self-hypnosis and meditation are remarkably similar. The main difference lies in how the state of trance is perceived. Many argue that a deep meditative state is a hypnotic state. Tests measuring heart rate, respiration and other indicators suggest that this is correct; there is very little physical difference between the two states. The biggest difference, therefore, lies in the mind of the practitioner. If you believe you are meditating, you are meditating, and if you believe you are practicing self-hypnosis, you are practicing self-hypnosis.

Goals are another factor which often separates meditation from self-hypnosis. In many cases, meditation is approached as a spiritual or religious practice. Self-hypnosis, on the other hand, is typically approached with a more temporal goal in mind, such as relaxation or self-improvement. However, these factors are also very closely linked.

How Once Assists the Other

A regular practitioner of meditation is often an excellent subject for hypnosis, both traditional and self-induced. This is due to the familiarity an individual develops with the deeply relaxed trance state while practicing meditation. This also means that meditation can be an excellent tool for those interested in hypnosis ? not only does it provide insight and familiarity, but it can serve as a gateway for those who are having trouble achieving a trance state through traditional self-hypnosis induction methods.

Words of Caution

According to tradition, meditation is a state in which the mind is very open to suggestion and influence ? this is precisely why it?s so connected to and helpful in conjunction with hypnosis. However, also according to tradition, it?s also a state in which we may become more vulnerable to negative influences. Some cultures view these as demons, others as negative entities, still others as currents of dark energy which run throughout the universe.

In keeping with your individual beliefs, most practitioners strongly advocate some form of spiritual protection during meditation. This may involve saying a prayer, wearing or holding a religious object, or envisioning being surrounded by a protective ball of light.

There is no reason to be afraid or apprehensive of meditation or self-hypnosis ? both practices are powerful, wonderful tools for healing, spirituality and self-improvement. As you begin to enjoy both practices, you?ll notice surprising improvements. You?ll also likely discover that your traditional hypnosis skills improve as you become more familiar with the trance/meditative state of deep relaxation.

Other Cool Hypnosis:

  1. How To Reach A Deep Meditative State?
  2. Top 5 Secrets to Relaxation Hypnosis
  3. What Are the Common Methods of Self Hypnosis?

Source: http://www.hypnosisblacksecrets.com/hypnosis/how-are-meditation-and-self-hypnosis-connected

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