রবিবার, ১০ ফেব্রুয়ারী, ২০১৩

Central Florida Challenger Owners | Next Event, Downtown Oviedo

Some of you have shown interest in next weeks Downtown Oviedo event and the last time they did an event here the turn out was amazing. (About 3-4 months ago?)

Saturday Feb. 16th 2013
119 Geneva Dr. Oviedo, FL 23765
(Ace Hardware/Popeyes/Post Office plaza right near Townhall diner)
From 5PM ? 8PM

Antiques Central Car Cruise in Downtown Oviedo from 5pm-8pm. The center of Oviedo is home to several antique stores and family owned restaurants. Spend a cool fall evening browsing for trinkets, eating a home cooked meal and listening to classic music from DJ Don from the Orlando Bowtie Club. This is a free event and open to everyone

Source: http://centralfloridachallengerowners.com/?p=510

birdman whip it gabby giffords gabby giffords geithner gabrielle giffords juliette lewis

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