October 10, 2012 at 8:08 pm
LUKE MARTIN ? U.S. World War I Draft Registration Cards, 1917-1918
Permanent Home Address: RFD 4 Box 48 City Dallas AL
Age: 33, Born 1885
Occupation: Farmer
Employer: Mrs. C.F. Grin
Nearest Relative: Julia Phillips (same address, I believe her husband is Max Phillips)
Tall, Slender Build, Brown eyes, Black hair
Sept 12, 1918
Note: Uncle Luke & Aunt Julia are siblings to my (g) grandmother, Sarah Jane Martin. Their parents are Jane (Judge) and Jordan Martin of Dallas County, Alabama.
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Entry filed under: Martin. Tags: 1918 Draft Card, african-american genealogy, Alabama Black Belt, Black Belt Genealogy, dallas county alabama, Dallas County Alabama genealogy, Julia Phillips, Luke Martin, Martin Genealogy.
Source: http://inourhearts.wordpress.com/2012/10/10/luke-martin-dallas-al/
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